Eight Principles To Decrease Your Impact
Are you tired of being a successful and well-liked product designer? Sick of being known as a team player who's always looking to improve and innovate? Well, have no fear, because we've got the solution for you! In this post, we'll show you how to

Design Is Hard
Design Is Hard
Hello everyone, have you ever struggled with design? Do you find yourself staring at a blank canvas, wondering how to make your product look aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly? Fear not, because John Wayne Hill is here to help. John Wayne Hill is a digital product

Open to New Roles and Opportunities
Open to New Roles and Opportunities
John Wayne Hill – Product Designer John Wayne Hill is an experienced product designer with a career spanning over a decade and a half. With a wealth of experience gained through his work with Ancestry, Twitter, True, Idean/Frog, Stimulant, Punchcut, Mozilla, and IU Communications, Hill

Artifact – Portraits
Artifact – Portraits
Weeklong collaboration with Artifact for a new Portrait-specific landing page and purchase/question flow. Exploration started with conversations and google docs. I then explored early thinking via Figjam. I then designed wireframes, created a prototype, and ultimately designed the final mockups.